bet365中文的孩子们每天都在bet365中文探索、分享和学习. 我们的目标是帮助您的孩子在一个鼓励社区意识的环境中发展他或她的独立性和自信心. We do this by helping your child to adapt to routines and rituals; increase their language ability; practice early coping skills; and learn to cooperate with friends through group activities. 学生们开始接受更大的身体挑战,并开始更有效地与他人沟通. 该计划还包括涉及早期读写能力的结构化学习活动, 数学, 科学, 还有社会研究. 我们平衡学科与独立bet365中文探索的机会和健康的乐趣! bet365中文项目的其他组成部分包括音乐、瑜伽/运动和视觉艺术.
- Self Direction: Follow rules, routines, and directions; Maintain attention; Adapt to transitions.
- Self Concept: Identify positive and negative feelings; Self regulate; Express preferences; Take responsibility.
- Social Relationships: Build positive relationships; Cooperate; Work on teams; Show compassion for others; Communicate wants and needs to others.
- Fine Motor: Control small movements; Use drawing and writing tools; Use lacing, snaps, and buttons.
- Gross Motor: Coordinate large movements; Build strength; Develop balance; Alternate feet on stairs.
- Safety and Health: Make wise nutritional decisions; Exercise; Practice good hygiene
- Listening comprehension: Comprehend spoken language; Follow verbal directions.
- Communication: Communicate ideas, needs, and wants; Speak in sentences.
- Phonological awareness: Identify small units of sound; Identify rhyme and alliteration.
- 印刷的概念:努力写他们的名字.
- Letter and word recognition: Identify letters and words; Makes letter-sound connections.
- Reading comprehension: Respond to text; Recall of story details; Answer and ask questions.
- Number concepts: Identify numbers; Counting; Counting sets; Counting to identify quantity; Understanding options.
- Shapes: Identifying shapes; Manipulating shapes to make larger shapes.
- Spatial awareness: Ability to flip and rotate objects; Ability to determine object locations.
- Patterns and Sorting: Identify patterns; Create patterns; Match; Sort; Understand Charts.
- Families and Community: Identify community roles; Identify family roles; Explore different cultures and traditions; Understand diversity.
- Geography: Introduction to maps; Identify types of places; Identify where we live on the map; Connect to our roots.
- 历史:描述过去的事件.
- 科学推理:事物从何而来?
- 生命科学:我们需要什么东西来生长?
- 物理科学:我们的五种感官是什么?
- 地球科学:今天天气怎么样?